The baby lion (lion’s whelp or cub) is a boy.

The lioness symbolizes the daughter of a king. Furthermore, it represents the ruler who embezzles public funds and commits injustice and the lurking enemy. It also symbolizes the warrior, the swindler, the thief, the treacherous worker, the policeman, the insatiable enemy, and perhaps hardships and death, because he who stares at it turns pale, loses his self-control, and is as good as dead, says Ibn Siren. Lion Dream Explanation - The lion is a ruler, a tyrant, or a powerful and very dangerous person, in view of the ferocity and devastating anger of that animal. Closed lips in a dream represent one's eyelids, a vagina, the anus, the banks of a river or a well. If a sick person sees his lips black or blue in a dream, it could mean his death. Thick lips with black or blue color in a dream represent laziness, languor, failure to present a verifiable proof or to bring a strong witness, or they could mean discomfort, or difficulty in earning one's livelihood. If one's lips look thin and rosy in a dream, they denote clarity of speech, guidance, good food, good drink and happiness.

Lips in a dream also represent the livelihood of singers or musicians who play wind instruments for a living, or the livelihood of a glass blower. Having no lips in a dream means loosing any of the above, or one's dream could mean a broken door, or loosing one's keys, or perhaps it could mean the death of one's parents, husband or wife. Lips Dream Explanation - Lips in a dream also represent a door attendant, boys, guards, locks, knowledge, guidance, food, drinks, marriage, happiness, sadness, or keeping secrets.